Happy New Years’ Eve!

Happy New Years’ Eve!

Hooray for the coming of 2022! 2021 was.. well.. 2021. It really felt like a repeat of 2020, but moving faster than ever.

So what happened in 2021? Many things actually happened. Personal and technological.

  • Congratulations to Joe Biden!
    He became the 46th President.
  • Dogecoin and Gamestop.
    I admit, I pumped some money into gamestop and dogecoin and got a good return. But that’s all folks. Nothing like that will happen again.. or will it…
  • Snyder Cut
    Justice League, Snyder Cut, was worth the 5 or 6 hours it was…
  • Summer Olympics!
    Sunisa Lee brought hmong to the world of sports! Sunisa did pretty good too! Congrats!
  • Death in the family.
    Besides technological advancements, many important people have gone before us to the pearly gates of heaven to be with their friends and family that made it there. Of them all, the most important death was my mothers. She gave birth to me, and raised me as much as she could in this hard world and alien country. She did her best, and I just hope I can meet at least half of her expectations.
  • Windows 11!
    It’s out! Go get it! Even if Microsoft says you can’t, there’s a workaround. If you need info on how to do that, there’s many articles out there that explain how to. Trust my links 🙂

As always, may the New Year start with fresh joys and a life filled with peace and love. May you experience warmth, togetherness, enjoyment, and prosperity too. Happy New Year!


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